Over the past 20 years we have been serving our local Native and non-Native communities by our volunteer efforts:

Vigilantly protecting, preserving and honoring our 5,000 year old Burial Grounds located on the northern shore of Lake Michigan.

Locating, rescuing, and reinterring a Mother and Two Babies wrongly taken from our Grounds by a misguided university professor.

Digging graves by hand at our Township Cemetery for any community members who have walked-on.

Providing free fresh fish and farm eggs to those community members who are in need; also free firewood.

Teaching Anishinaabemowin (our local Native Language) to community members along with teaching our Culture.

We have never requested or received any government money and all of our community and tribal efforts have been 100% volunteer work.

Three years ago we established an Organic Apiary operation locally, starting with 3 non-native honeybee hives, and expanding to 13 hives, so as to fully understand their behaviors and impact on our local native bee populations. We are now creating native bee inventories at 4 separate locations, and once the inventory is complete, we will then be able to develop a plan to protect and increase the native bee numbers, which appear to be in some distress.